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Kent Resilience Forum

Sign up for a free Community Emergency Planning workshop this Autumn

Kent Resilience Forum (KRF) and the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) are linking up with Communities Prepared to highlight a further series of free training workshops for local community groups looking to develop their community resilience plans.

We are encouraging parish and town councils, and other community groups, to take part in these courses, to help them become better prepared to respond to a range of potential emergency situations in their local area, from flooding and severe weather to a loss of utilities.

Community Emergency Planning Trouble Shooting Sessions

  • Thursday 28 September 6pm to 7pm

  • Thursday 19 October 6pm to 7pm

These online sessions are open to anyone who has attended Communities Prepared Community Emergency Planning workshop series. It is an opportunity to bring any questions regarding your own community resilience plan.

To sign up for these sessions register here.

Coordinator training (in-depth three session course)

The workshop consists of three online sessions delivered throughout October and November and is aimed at community emergency volunteer group coordinators, lead flood wardens and those coordinating or leading or who intend to lead their community emergency planning and response.

Attendees will need to attend all three sessions and complete some tasks in-between. The sessions take place on:

  • Wednesday 4 October 6pm – 7.30pm

  • Wednesday 18 October 6pm – 7.30pm

  • Wednesday 1 November 6pm – 7.30pm

Leading a group of volunteers during an emergency can be a challenge, even for the most experienced. This course is designed to give you the confidence to manage and lead your volunteers, maintain interest and engagement, and integrate your group with the rest of the emergency response structure.

To request to take part email Within your email please provide brief details about:

  • The role you are currently undertaking, or are planning to take on, in coordinating or leading a group. Including how long you have had this role.

  • The current make-up of your volunteer group if one already exists.

  • Where your community is and any other information you think would be useful to share.

Further course information and the course handbook are available in the Communities Prepared Learning Space. Please also ensure that you are registered on the Communities Prepared members area ahead of the course.

Visit to our community resilience pages for further information about building local community resilience and creating local community resilience plans.

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