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Security Incident

Be alert


While it’s important to go about your daily business normally, it’s sensible to be alert to anyone who might be endangering the public.

  • Always report anyone acting suspiciously. Your information may be vital.

  • If you come across anything that might be linked with terrorist activity, tell the police - they want to hear from you.

  • Take note of odd or unusual behaviour by tenants or guests at a property - terrorists need somewhere to live.

  • Take note of any unusual security measures at a home or business premises.

  • If you’re a retailer, note anything suspicious about equipment purchases.

  • Make sure you know the security plans at your workplace, and what to do in an emergency.

To report suspicious activity:

  • In an emergency - always dial 999

  • For non-emergencies - call Kent Police on 101

  • Dial the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 or report in confidence online via a secure form

  • Contact Crimestoppers – a national organisation independent of the police. You can talk confidentially on 0800 555 111.

Action Counters Terrorism (ACT)


Remember - trust your instincts and ACT.


With the enduring terrorist threat, it is now more important than ever that everyone plays their part in tackling terrorism. Your action could saves lives.


Any piece of information could be important, it is better to be safe and report.

More advice and information is available on the ACT at


ACT awareness e-learning 

ACT offers free counter-terrorism awareness e-learning courses for both individuals and businesses. Click on the button below to register to take part.

If there is a security incident


Follow the instructions of the emergency services.

  • Go into a safe building.

  • Stay in until you’re advised to do otherwise.

  • Tune in to local radio or TV for more information.

Further reading:


Visit these web pages for guidance:


Kent Police: Staying safe from terrorism


Protect UK

Useful apps:

These apps can be downloaded here:


Protect UK

ProtectUK – Apps on Google Play

ProtectUK on the App Store (

Citizen AID

citizenAID – Apps on Google Play

citizenAID on the App Store (

Martyn's Law

Visit the Protect UK website for an overview on Martyn’s Law  and what you need to know.

If there’s an explosion nearby

Unless you’ve been advised otherwise by the emergency services, in most cases you should:

  • Move away from the immediate source of danger.

  • Wait for the emergency services to arrive and examine you (if you leave unchecked you could contaminate others).

  • If you’ve seen the explosion, stay in a safe place and tell the police what you saw.

  • If the incident or explosion involves a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear agent:

    • The emergency services will quickly decontaminate you on the spot if necessary (this involves showering and temporary clothing), so that other people and areas, including homes, are not contaminated.

    • You may also be assessed by health service experts.

If your building is evacuated

  • If the emergency services tell you to evacuate your home you should do so. Refusing to leave will put you, your household and those trying to help you at risk.

  • Consider what options you have to stay with an emergency friend or relative. 

  • If you’re stranded the council will provide basic accommodation at a welfare centre.

  • Evacuation may be for some time, from a few hours to several months, so be sure to bring your emergency ‘grab bag’.

  • If you have pets, plan where they can stay, as there will only be basic facilities at the rest centre.

  • Rest centre staff are trained to give you support and advice. They’ll help you through the stress of evacuation and prepare you for what to do afterwards.

Support for victims of terrorism


Terrorist incidents can have a devastating impact on communities. Support is available for those who have been affected:


The Victims of Terrorism website provides information on accessing advice and assistance following a terrorist attack.

It signposts to official helplines and support services available to victims, survivors, witnesses, family members, and all those affected. Visit: 


Mapping tool 

The Resilience in Unity Project has recently launched a mapping tool to record the stories and testimony of people affected by acts of terrorism around the world and provide resources for schools, practitioners and communities. You can access the tool and the project’s resource hub here.

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